A Celebration of Life

My favorite holiday in the Philippines is All Soul’s Day. There is no purer form of celebrating life than this day. And by purer, I mean not corrupted with things like commercialization, like during Christmas.

The preparation for this celebration begins by gathering remembrances of those that have already passed, preparation of the food to enjoy with all, a deep cleaning of the cemeteries and all the tombstones along with structures, decorations for the interned, and the excitement of the anticipation of the celebration to come.

The gathering begins early to setup at the monuments or memorials of their loved ones. And to try to find parking (good luck!). Cars are not allowed in the cemetery in most places on this day.

It is a time to walk around and check out the people and the decorations, smell the food, and read all the tributes to past ancestors. There is no crying, only the enjoyment of being with relatives and those around you.

I love to collect stories and memories of others, and this is the perfect day to do so. I can join any group and simply ask if I can participate and, with the usual yes, begin to ask about their memories. It is a day to laugh, to be in the moment, and to remember those that helped us be there that day.

At night the drinking begins, and some during the day. It is almost like they do not want this day to end, and they stay until the wee hours of the morning.

You will hear music and laughter from children every where, playing games and using more energy that is mesmerizing to this older soul. You can almost relive your youth by just watching.

There is a walk which I fondly call the soulful stroll! Usually, standing side by side, there is an endless stream of people walking around, seemingly lost in their own world.

This is a day to slow down, have no worries, and to just live in the moment of joy.

I only wish you all have the chance to experience what the day of celebration and remembrances is like!


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